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Our Projects

Selected projects

Play on a Hampus Playground
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Delivered: 2023
Client:  ADS domain skiable
Name: Arc1600 - Moutain Creatures
Location: Les Arcs , France
Age group: 6-16 years

Les Arcs


Delivered: 2022
Client: BonBon Land
Name: Henry the dog
Location: Næstved, Denmark
Age group: 3-12 years

BonBon Land

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Les Landes de Gascogne

Delivered: 2022
Client: Center parcs Lot & Garonne
Name: Forest Mini Golf
Location: Beauziac France
Age group: 5-99 years


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Delivered: 2022
Client: Housing company Knudskovparken
Name: The post mill
Location: Holbæk, Denmark
Age group: 3-10 years


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Delivered: 2021
Client: Falkenberg Municipality
Name: Falkenberg
Location: Vallarna, Sweden
Age group: 3-12 years




Delivered: 2020
Client: Haninge Municipality
Name: Tungelsta Trädgårdspark
Location: Tungelsta, Sweden
Age group: 2-10 years


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Terhills resort

​Delivered: 2019
Client: Center parcs
Name: Terhills resort
Location: Dilsen-Stokkem, Belgium
Age group: 2-16 years



​Delivered: 2019
Client: Næstved Municipality
Name: The old industial heritage
Location: Næstved, Denmark
Age group: 2-10 years



Delivered: 2018
Client: City Council of Copenhagen
Name: Pipperen
Location: Copenhagen NV, Denmark
Age group: 5-13 years



Delivered: 2015
Client: City Council of Copenhagen
Name: Stenurten
Location: Copenhagen N, Denmark
Age group: 1-6 years

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Grundtvig School

Delivered: 2004
Client: City Council of Copenhagen
Name: Babuka Treehouse
Location: Grundtvigskolen, Copenhagen NV, Denmark
Age group: 5-12 years

We work within a broad spectre of play elements ranging from small fantasy creatures to theme parks.


We love all kinds and sizes of projects, so please do contact us if You have a project you need help to solve!

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Delivered: 2023
Client:  Familjebostäder i Göteborg AB
Name: Rymdtorget
Location: Bergsjön , Sweden
Age group: 3-12 years


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Delivered: 2022
Client: Tivoli
Name: Rasmus Klump Playground
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Age group: 2-10 years


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Delivered: 2022
Client: Kungälvs Municipality 
Name: Björkås Aktivitetspark
Location: Ytterby, Sweden
Age group: 2-10 years

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Delivered: 2022
Client: Stockholm Municipality
Name:Lekplats Operetten 
Location: Olovslund, Sweden
Age group: 3-12 years


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Delivered: 2021
Client: Eskildstuna Municipality
Name: Eskilstuna
Location: Eskilstuna, Sweden
Age group: 3-12 years


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Delivered: 2020
Client: Skanderborg Municipality
Name: Sløngel Pladsen
Location: Skanderborg, Denmark
Age group: 2-12 years


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Delivered: 2019
Client: Gladsaxe Municipality
Name: Magle Square
Location: Søborg, Denmark
Age group: 1-13 years

Magle Square


Burlöv- Tågarpstigen

Delivered: 2018
Client: Burlöv Municipality
Name: Tågarpstigen
Location: Burlöv Sweden
Age group: 1-12 years

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Delivered: 2018
Client: Mölnlycke, Gothenburg
Name: Enchanted Forest
Location: Mölnlycke, Sweden
Age group: 3-13 years




Delivered: 2012
Client: Municipallity of Ibestad
Name: Fabeløya, Naturlekepark
Location: Harstad, Norway
Age group: 5-13 years

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